Behind the scenes with Jasmine Dowling.

Documenting creatives behind-the-scenes is definitely my favourite kind of project. There's nothing better than meeting a creative, like-minded person I admire in real life, seeing their home/working space and taking their photo. So it made a whole lot of sense for me to get together and collaborate with Brisbane creative Jasmine Dowling, who I've been friends with through Instagram since late 2012. Those of you who attended Analogue Digital on Friday would have been the first to have seen our film (and on the big screen too).

There are few people I connect with on an almost-instant basis, but Jasmine was one of those people. She's talented, driven, focused, funny and down-to-Earth; it's always so great to meet people who can still be light-hearted and easy to talk to even when they are so passionate and serious about their craft. Our first day of filming took longer than we anticipated because we spent a lot of time talking as if we'd been talking for years.

Jasmine is again another testament to the mantras creatives have been repeating their whole careers: you can be successful and you don't need anybody's permission to be that way. Know your audience; build a strong personal brand; use social media to your advantage; keep doing what you love and finding ways to evolve in your craft—and don't give up. You'll make it.


Why I'm trekking for orangutans in Borneo.


Melbourne photo diary.